Love Birds Diaper Cake

 It took awhile to get this cake right….it’s not quite there in these pictures.  It’s the topper…wasn’t big enough.

I used Bright Starts as usual for the rattles and infant toys.  The two side birds were luggage tags found at Target.


Froggy Diaper Cake

The diaper cake I made for my BEST friend Abby. I was so sad I couldn’t make it to the shower:( This one was super easy and even easier to ship. Pampers diapers size 1, ribbon and a few towels, some shampoo, soap, baby brush and a crinkle toy to top it off and there you have it! A diaper cake!! Yay, everyone is happy:)


Elephant Diaper Cake

Here is the diaper cake I made for a friends elephant themed baby shower. As usual, I used one package of size 1 Pampers diapers, you can really use any brand of diapers but I prefer pampers because they only have their logo pictures on the waistline of their diapers. This makes it much easier to hide as you are preparing the cake. The elephant toys were purchased at target by Bright Start. I’ve used this brand a few times because they are flexible and easy to work with. I did have to make some modifications for the crinkle elephant shown at the bottom.

These cute buttons were found on Etsy.

One bag of childrens blocks Has managed to assist me through four projects. Well worth the money spent.


Peter Rabbit Diaper Cake

Making Diaper Cakes for showers is so much fun. It is such a personal touch and the best thing is that mommy can use absolutely everything that the cake is made of. You don’t even have to wrap it. As I’ve said before as much as I love planning parties, wrapping is my least favorite thing to do.

This particular cake was a collaborative shopping effort by a friend and myself. It consists of one pack of Pampers size 1. Bibs ordered on Etsy that came with 2-bibs; 3-burp clothes. Also purchased from Etsy were the buttons used in the center of the ribbon. The ribbon was purchased through Ben Franklin and Stampin’ Up. The hostess of the party was able to find Peter Rabbit through Barnes and Noble. One pack of pacifiers.

Because I had a few items left over after the cake was completed I was able to make this bunny in a basket with the Burt’s Bee’s Shampoo and Conditioner along with the larger Peter Rabbit stuffed animal.

To view party day click here.

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