Walk in Closet

Walk in Closet

Living in Hawaii, I’ve sacrificed certain things for my home due to small spaces. At the moment my walk in closet also serves as our laundry room.  Yes you read right. Overall this hasn’t really been a bad thing and in theory it’s not such a bad idea, unless you haven’t gotten around to washing those ten loads of laundry that have just devoured your closet space (don’t judge, I’m a busy girl). I decided it’s time to style it up a little since it is a dual space. If there is a nice rug on the floor I’m less likely to allow piles of laundry to cover it ;) Above are a few things I’ll be adding. I am so crushing on the Urban Outfitters rug!

I first saw the Urban Outfitters rug on I Heart Organizing blog’s home tour.  I have spent months swooning over her laundry room as well as all of her fantastic organizing ideas. She was featured on HGTV’s Clean Freak last night.  How cool is that?? Unfortunately I saw her post a day late as I was attaching the link for you all to check out. I suspect we will see a blog post on the details soon. Very exciting!


  1. OK…Hawaiii…more living space…Hawaii…more living space…mmmm…HAWAII for sure!!! Thank you so much for stopping by 21 Rosemary Lane and leaving your sweet comment…I am a lover of food!

    That closet is definitely something to aspire to…great taste. Following you now so I can see what you do with you own space. Have a great week!!!

  2. @Barbara
    LOL! It’s tough I tell ya! Thanks for the follow and the nice comment. I was so happy to add you to my daily reads. It looks like I’m going to learn a lot from your blog:)

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