Casual Spring Floral

Casual Spring Floral

Here is my last push for spring time apparel! Starting next week it is all about summer friends! Last night I went on a quick shopping trip with a friend and all of our five kids under the age of eight….I know…just say it…we are insane! But we survived and enjoyed it even if we only had a few short moments of sanity the entire time.

On the few places we stopped J.Crew was one. I really love the Cove Floral pattern lately, I think it is fabulous for spring but it’s also a great pattern that will take you into the summer months as well.  J.Crew just has that ability to find one great pattern and throw it onto five (or more) pieces; skirt, shorts, shirts, tanks and the list goes on. It usually comes down to…I can’t decide which one I want and I can’t afford them all so ultimately I’ll take the cheaper of all the above.

For this set I’ve paired the Cove Floral with a pair of American Eagle high-rise jeans and a Tory Burch wedge and dome satchel. Since the floral already makes a statement I kept the accessories simple and minimal.

What are your favorite Spring to Summer pieces?


  1. I really like the floral shirt with the solid sleeves – so unique!

  2. Obsessed with anything floral these days….so this ensemble you created is soooooo right up my alley !!


  3. a lovely outfit. I wish I could wear those shoes…sigh xo

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